Awards Recipients at WRTLT


Certificate of Appreciation Awards:

Yinghua Min and Hideo Fujiwara, 2001
"for founding and chairing the IEEE RT-Level ATPG and DFT Workshop in China"
1 October 2001, at ITC'01

Xiaowei Li, 2007
"for serving as General Co-Chair for ATS 2007 and General Chair for WRTLT 2007"


WRTLT 2003
"An approach to non-scan design for delay fault testability of controllers"
Tsuyoshi Iwagaki, Satoshi Ohtake and Hideo Fujiwara

WRTLT 2004
"A Test Compression Algorithm for Reducing Test Application Time"
Michihiro Shintani, Toshihiro Ohara, Hideyuki Ichihara and Tomoo Inoue

WRTLT 2005
"Acceleration of Test Generation for Sequential Circuits Using Knowledge Obtained from Synthesis for Testability"
Masato Nakazato, Satoshi Ohtake, Kewal K. Saluja and Hideo Fujiwara

WRTLT 2006
"An Improved Method of Per-Test X-Fault Diagnosis for Deep-Submicron LSI Circuits"
Xiaoqing Wen, Yuta Yamato, Kohei Miyase, Seiji Kajihara, and Kozo Kinoshita

WRTLT 2007
"RTL Don't Care Path Identification and Synthesis for Transforming Don't Care Paths into False Paths"
Yuki Yoshikawa, Satoshi Ohtake, and Hideo Fujiwara

WRTLT 2008
"Enhancement of Test Environment Generation for Assignment Decision Diagrams"
Hideo Fujiwara, Chia Yee Ooi, and Yuki Shimizu 

WRTLT 2009 
"A DFT Method for Functional Scan at RTL"

Marie E. J.  Obien and Hideo Fujiwara 

WRTLT 2010 
"An Approach to Test Scheduling for Asynchronous On-Chip Interconnects Using Integer Programming"

Tsuyoshi Iwagaki, Eiri Takeda and Mineo Kaneko 

WRTLT 2011 
"Built-in Self-Test for Functional Register-Transfer Level using Assignment Decision Diagram"
Norlina Paraman, Chia Yee Ooi, Ahmad Zuri Sha'Ameri and Hideo Fujiwara